Long and short of it ... Lindsey Stocker starts a revolution when she was told to change out of short shorts at school. Source: Supplied
A 17-YEAR-OLD girl who was suspended from her school for refusing to change out of short shorts has started a social media campaign calling on people not to shame girls for their bodies.
Lindsey Stocker, who attends Year 11 at Beaconsfield High School in Quebec, was singled out in class last month because her shorts did not adhere to the school's dress code.
Those rules include "no short shorts, halter tops, tube tops, bikini tops or excessive cleavage."
"In front of all my peers and my teacher they said I had to change," Lindsey told the National Post . "And when I said no they said I was making a bad choice. They kept shaking their heads. In front of everybody."
"They continued to tell me would be suspended if I didn't start following the rules. When I told them I didn't understand why I had to change they told me that it doesn't matter — I don't have to understand the rules, I just have to comply by them," she said.
Poster it ... Lindsey Stocker's sign telling school officials not to make girls feel shamed about their bodies. Source: Supplied
However Lindsey was not about to be shamed for what she was wearing and went and printed out 20 posters which she plastered around school.
"Don't humiliate her because she is wearing shorts. It's hot outside. Instead of shaming girls for their bodies, teach boys that girls are not sexual objects," it read.
While the posters were taken down within 10 minutes they started being noticed on Twitter and Facebook.
The chairman of the Lester B Pearson School Board told CJAD News that Lindsey has been suspended for not following the rules.
"The rules are there to help the children learn and prepare them for their future work places, high school is a job for them, they are there to learn to function in society, so it's important that the rules be followed," Susanne Stein Day said. "Girls and boys have rules on dress codes; it is not a girl, boy thing, that's not the point."